


Climate refers to the weather pattern of a particular area. Weather is very different from climate. It refers to the changes that happen in the atmosphere on a daily basis. These changes can be in humidity, rainfall, atmospheric pressure, wind, temperature, etc. It can change from one minute to the next, from hour to hour and even from day to day.

This weather pattern of a specific region refers to its climate which can be observed in different seasons. Thus, climate is the specific conditions of the weather that occurs in a predictable manner in a particular region. When we put together all of the different climates of the different regions of the world, we get the Earth’s climate.

Weather can change in a matter of minutes or hours of a region whereas, the climate of a particular place can take hundreds or even millions of years to change. Climate is the average of weather over time and place.


Climate change is the average long-term change in the Earth’s climate. It refers to the changes in the weather of a particular region over long periods of time like temperature, rainfall or snow. The climate of the Earth has been changing constantly since its existence. Any change in the climate of the Earth can have drastic effects on the planet’s health, including plants and animals. A slight drop in temperature will result in melting ice-caps and glaciers which results in rising oceans.

Studies have shown that the Earth has grown warmer by one degree Fahrenheit in the past 100 years and it will continue to increase in the future, which is much more than expected. Human activity plays a huge role in climate change and is the reason why Earth has been getting warmer in the last 50 – 100 years.


Using fossil fuels to generate energy that powers factories, cars, buses, etc releases greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These gases are trapped resulting in more radiation of heat. This makes the earth warmer. A warmer earth impacts every living being on the planet and their habitats. It also brings changes in the weather and changes Earth’s overall climate.


An area’s biological diversity depends on its weather patterns. Some species survive in warmer regions and others in colder regions. When the weather conditions of a region changes, the species inhabiting those areas evolve and adapt themselves in order to survive. There is an undeniable link between the climate and the survival of beings living within that climate.

Climate change is inevitable but rapid climate change deprives native species the time it needs to adapt to the new conditions. This may result in its destruction of the species and ecosystems. It may even cause extinction.Warming temperatures is not the only concern affecting biodiversity resulting from climate change. Extreme weather events and changing patterns of rainfall and drought can have significant impacts on biodiversity.

Global warming not only affects organisms on land but also sea creatures residing in oceans and seas. Oceans are heating up which directly impacts marine life and displaces colonies. The changes disrupt the natural ability of plants and fish to survive underwater.


AAKASH is among those visionaries who have taken early steps towards a sustainable ecosystem. Bamboo plantation is encouraged for not just the energy requirements fulfilled by Bamboo Biomass but also for the environmental benefits.

AAKASH advocates the use of Bamboo Biomass to meet the energy requirements in a clean and renewable manner. AAKASH has identified that Bamboo can provide as much energy as the conventional source with lesser environmental impact and carbon footprint.

AAKASH works with the collaborators involved in bringing about a constant business model on all aspects of Bamboo cultivation. Farming the plantation to mitigate climate change, would enhance the investors with power generation, infrastructure or the productive business style. AAKASH involves various stakeholders aiming at forming a business based on Bamboo and Bamboo biomass, ensuring an effective ecosystem.

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