• Wood and agricultural residues are burned as a fuel for cogeneration of steam and electricity in the industrial sector. Biomass is used for power generation in the electricity sector and for space heating in residential and commercial buildings.
  •  Biomass can be converted to a liquid form for use as a transportation fuel, and research is being conducted on the production of fuels and chemicals from biomass.
  •  Biomass materials can also be used directly in the manufacture of a variety of products. In the electricity sector, biomass is used for power generation. The Energy Information Administration (EIA), in its Annual Energy Outlook reference projects that biomass will generate 15.3 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, or 0.3 percent of the projected 5,476 billion kilowatt-hours of total generation, in 2030.
  •  In scenarios that reflect the impact of a 20-percent renewable portfolio standard (RPS) and in scenarios that assume carbon dioxide emission reduction requirements based on the Kyoto Protocol, electricity generation from biomass is projected to increase substantially.