Honorary Chief Executive Advisor

Prof. Dr. K. Muthuchelian, Ph.D., D. Sc., FNABS, FZSI, FPBS, FIEF (Canada) (Formerly Vice Chancellor, Periyar University, Salem) Pro Vice Chancellor, DayanandaSagar University, Bangalore. Prof. Dr. K. Muthuchelian is a world renowned scientist in biology and bioenergy, committed to biomass green energy revolution and is currently Pro Vice Chancellor of DayanandaSagar University, Bangalore and formerly Vice Chancellor of Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu. Recently, his name has been included in “Top 100 Scientists of the Worldwide” by UK.

He is the First Indian Scientist honored with the prestigious award of “Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)”by the University ofAncona, Italy in recognition of his research accomplishments on “Biomass Resource Management and Technology” especially ‘Bioenergy production’.He has been nominated as an International Energy Foundation (FIEF)” Saskatchewan, Canada, Fellow of National Academy of Biological Sciences (FNABS), India, Fellow of Paleobotanical Society (FPBS), India, Fellow of Zoological Society of India (FZSI), India, Fellow of the National Environmental Studies Academy (FNESA), India, Fellow of the Society of Biological Sciences And Rural Development, India and Fellow of the Indian Association of Applied Microbiologists, India and is notable for his significant contributions in the field of bioenergy and biodiversity conservation.He hasalso beencollaborating with a number ofgloballyprominent scientific organizations,to mention a few: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), Switzerland (an affiliated body of UNO) for Southeast Asia, ICTP, Italy, The New York Academy of Sciences – USA, International Safety, Quality, Environment and Management Association, Reading Berkshire, U.K., World Environmental Organization, Washington, USA., International Conservation Society, North Sumatra, Indonesia, British Science Association, England. And,he is a proactive scientist industrially tied up with green energy production in global context.